Sending an SMS message *

To send an SMS message to a contact or a phone number:

  1. Press on the icon at the top right corner of the screen and then tap on the SMS menu item to create a new chat.
  1. Select a contact you’d like to send an SMS message to or type in a phone number at the top of the screen.
  1. Tap on the text area at the bottom of the screen and type in your message.
  1. After you’ve finished typing your message, press the icon to send it.

* Please check the availability of this feature with your PBX Administrator.

Sending voice messages

To send a voice message to your colleagues who are using the app:

  1. Open a chat with a colleague(s) you would like to send a file to.
  1. Tap on the icon at the bottom of the screen.
  1. The recording screen will pop up where you’ll be able to pause/resume and reset your voice recording.