Conference calls

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There are two ways to initiate a conference call from your desktop app:

Adding participants to a call

To make a conference during a call:

  1. While you are on a call with the first participant, make an outgoing call to a person you want to add to the conference. Thus putting the first participant on hold.

After you’ve successfully connected with the second participant:

  1. Click the Merge buttonon the Active Line or Pop-up window. Your two active lines will merge into one.

Repeat the above steps to add more participants to a conference.

Audio&video calls in group chats

To organize an audio conference with predefined lists of participants, you need to:

  1. Create a group and add participants from the list of users.
  1. Open a group chat you’ve created and click on theicon at the top right corner.

To create a video meeting, click the “video” button and confirm the action.

If you don’t see a video button, it means that this feature is disabled for your account. Please contact your system administrator for more information.